Humble Bundle's monthly subscription service, Humble Monthly, is a curated collection of games sent to your inbox each month. In exchange for $12 per month, you get a collection of titles collectively valued at a minimum of $100.

The catch, if you'll call it that, is that most of the games are a mystery and aren't unleashed until closer to the end of the month. Of course, there's also an early (immediate) unlock designed to grab headlines and hook players at the beginning of the month and this time around, that early unlock is none other than Destiny 2.

Bungie's online-only multiplayer first-person shooter is a great deal by itself for $12 but add in additional games and you've got a tremendous offer.

The timing of the promotion likely isn't a coincidence as Bungie and Activision are looking to put Destiny 2 in the hands of as many gamers as possible ahead of the launch of Warmind. Announced in late April, Destiny 2's next major DLC is set on Mars and adds new weapons, a hoard mode and more. It's slated to land on May 8 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC for $19.99.

Humble Monthly usually offers a pretty solid collection of titles and unlike other game-based subscription services, purchases are yours to keep forever. For reference, April's bundled titles included Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Mafia III, Mafia III: Sign of the Times DLC, God Eater 2: Rage Burst and Lara Croft GO, among others.