Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy

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Expert reviews and ratings


Ancestors Legacy is a genuinely good console strategy title, with Destructive Creations having ported the game over well with improvements to UI and controls to make it as playable as possible on a gamepad. As for the game itself, while simplistic...

By WCCFTech on

Ancestors Legacy is a squad based real-time strategy game, set during the Medieval times. It is some what historically accurate and has campaigns based on real wars. Also, it's kind of tough and has a lot of intricacies to it, which feels great. You...

By on

More often than not, Ancestors Legacy showed me a good time watching my berserkers, Teutonic knights, and Slavic tribesmen hack their way through forests, marshes, and the occasional open field. The weakness in the core infantry combat, which tilts a...

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ONE MAN CAN’T WIN A BATTLE Imagine a Viking D-day: a bit like that scene from Saving Private Ryan (or the game equivalent in every WW2 COD game), but instead of armoured troop carriers, longships surge towards the shore. Some are shattered against the...

By Hooked Gamers on

La edad oscura (o si queremos ser más precisos, la Temprana Edad Media) está de moda. Tal vez debido a la popularidad de series como Vikings o The Last Kingdom, tal vez por el desgaste de la fantasía medieval que había dominado el entretenimiento...

International Review By on

Für darbende Mittelalter-Fans wie mich ist Ancestors Legacy ein echtes Highlight: Seine Gefechte sehen nicht nur fantastisch aus, sie haben auch spielerisch jede Menge zu bieten! Es macht enorm viel Laune, den Feind mit Flankenattacken und Hinterhalten...

International Review By on

Décidément, je ne suis pas en veine avec les RTS ces derniers temps, car je n'ai pas du tout accroché à Ancestors Legacy. Je comprends les envies des développeurs, mais ils sont tellement incapables de trouver un équilibre qu'ils m'ont perdu en route....

International Review By on

Sauber geklaute MittelalterschlachtplatteGanz ehrlich, Ancestors: Legacy könnte genauso gut eine Mittelalter-Mod für Company of Heroes sein. Hinter dem wuchtigen Echtzeittaktik-Spiel steckt bei genauerem Hinsehen aber deutlich mehr als einfach nur ein...

International Review By on